Barefoot Wanders is OPEN on LEA9

I have been given the most amazing opportunity in SL... I've been given half a sim to create Barefoot Wanders on a bigger scale.

I finally feel ready to open it and make it public that it's READY!

I have created 3 domes; The Swing... The Water... and The River... There is a ground landing zone here.  You can collect landmarks to each dome from here.

There are small yellow arrows around the place which will take you to various photography viewing places.

I would love to have a more interactive feel to the installation with all pictures created there on display within the sim.  So... if you take pictures... send them my way.  Either give them to me directly in SL... Put it on the flickr stream and I can upload it to SL.
Basically, however you would like to contribute... get in contact with me, Rosie Renfew.

The pictures below will give you a LM to each place too!

 Please enjoy the sim and get creative!

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