'Helping' Aeran work and a gallery opening to come later!

This week, has been relaxing and chilled... I think the word is chillax? 

Now, there's a new place at Kaiya Islands... The Waterfront.  It's lovely and nifty. 

There are some lovely little details and quirky things!  

Sav chillaxing on her Femdom chair!

The week began by 'helping' Aeran make his floating text a little better :P 
Madame Noire from Oi Oi Oi gallery is having an opening!  3rd May 6pm!  
To start at 4pm VENOM, the ultimate Rock back are playing at GridLag  
THEN back across the road at the gallery... 'The Rob Zombie Experience' - a truly unique vision in SL with Wire Frost and his Clockwork Orange live show! 
AFTER ALL THAT... Lahni is going to DJ until people fall into pools or there's a fight in the boxing ring!  

Now, this sim has blown me away!  Elysion has everything I look for in a sim... pretty, little places to discover.  Not managed to get there for an event yet... TZB (Time Zone B*****d) 

Most importantly about this week, I sat and did very little with one of my favourite people in SL.  I can't say he's the most favourite, he'll get all big headed <3 

So we went to listen to Jase Branner at The Turtle Coast.  

Rosie xx

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  1. Even putting quotations marks around 'helping' doesn't honestly describe what you did. :P

  2. I did help! I made your floating text better! x
