Mix it up...

This is the first blog post of my sparkly new blog.

I don't really know what I'm going to do with it... however, my first picture for it, kind of sums it up.

Recently, I have become even more sarcastic and cynical in SL.  I have a few ideas why this is, and I plan on taking control of it, and getting back to what I love about SL.  I have spent too long trying to pursue a few friendships which clearly aren't going to be friendships.  It's a very difficult thing to admit, but there ya go, it's written now.  However, thinking about this has made me realise that it's probably me.  I need to make SL MY space to be me.  In RL people have different ideas and ways of living their lives.  SL is no different.  The way I choose to be in SL isn't wrong, it's just maybe not how others would like to live it.    

I read a blog post from Kitty Otoole, who writes a blog Kittywitchin'.  Her post talks about compliments and generally being more open to things.  How we say things in SL we wouldn't dream of talking about in RL, or maybe we would?!

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