Dress making memories

So yeah yeah yeah, I know, I've been bad at updating my blog.

I got up this morning and thought... I'm in a picture making mood.  Then realised I have a few that I've taken but not really done anything with.  I upload most of them to flickr!

However, I thought I'd show you a few that I just upload in world.  Usually I tell a story with them.  We'll see how that works!

We moved to a half sim... apparently I use too many prims.  I am onto Aeran's sneaky way to make it look like I am a prim hogger... Keep tuned!

We were visited by some mini people who made a Bullet!

This isn't the bullet, but well... it was the closest I was allowed!

Apple juice rocks!

Exploring at begins with a smile sim :)

Music was involved along the way too!

We went to a rez day party... I was relatively low key... Aeran however, was a genie with his own filthy lamp <3

How a dress can have so many memories... I have no idea!  But this one does! <3

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1 comment:

  1. That is one amazing dress... seeing you in it almost distracts me from all the prims you're rezzing <3
